

new PathRoute().stream();

This class helps you to write and read files using the Node's Stream function.


This function reads a file asynchronously using fs.createReadStream and returns the content as an string. If the file cannot be read, the function returns undefined.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the file to be read
  • {(chunk:string|Buffer,data:string|Buffer): void|undefined} onData: callback function that interacts with each chunk of the file

Return Values

  • {undefined}: reading fails
  • {String}: if reading is success
const route = new PathRoute();
const content = await route.stream().read(filepath);


This function writes a file asynchronously using fs.createWriteStream and returns the content as an boolean, indicating if the file has been written with success or not.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the json file
  • {String} data: the data to be saved

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is success, othewrise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const content = await route.stream().write(filepath, { x: 1, y: 2 });