

new PathRoute();

The class that will handles every method of this package, in which you can access the instances of File, Json and Stream.


This function access the stream methods

Return Values

  • {PathStreamManager}: Check out the documentation
const route = new PathRoute();
const stream = route.stream();


This function access the io methods

Return Values

  • {PathFileManager}: Check out the documentation
const route = new PathRoute();
const io = route.io();


This function access the json methods

Return Values

  • {PathJsonManager}: Check out the documentation
const route = new PathRoute();
const json = route.json();


This function returns all routes of the class in a Array format


Return Values

  • {RoutesDataContext[]}: Check the type below
export type RoutesDataContext = {
    routeName: string;
    routePath: string;
const route = new PathRoute();
const routes = route.routes();


This function returns the length of the routes Array


Return Values

  • {number}: length of the route
const route = new PathRoute();
const length = route.size();


With this function you can create a new route if it has not been registred already. The logic here is to assign a key to be name the route and a path to be the value.


  • {String} routeName: key route name
  • {String} routePath: absolute path to be the route value

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
const route = new PathRoute();
route.add('source', __dirname);


With this function you can edit a route that has been already created, you can change both name and path


  • {String} routeName: key route name
  • {String} routePath: absolute path to be the route value

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
const route = new PathRoute();
route.add('source', __dirname).edit('source', '../source');


With this function you can check if a route exists or not


  • {String} routeName: key route name

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true if exists, otherwise false
const route = new PathRoute();


With this function you get a route and returns the content as a object contain the routeName and routePath. If the route do not exists returns undefined.


  • {String} routeName: key route name

Return Values

  • {RoutesDataContext|undefined}: RoutesDataContext if exists, otherwise undefined
export type RoutesDataContext = {
    routeName: string;
    routePath: string;
const route = new PathRoute();


With this function you can remove a route that has been already created


  • {String} routeName: key route name

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
const route = new PathRoute();


With this function you can clone a route and then rename it into a new other. It will inherit the path from the cloned route


  • {String} aliasRouteName: key route name of the new route
  • {String} routeName: key route name of source route

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
const route = new PathRoute();
route.add('source', __dirname).alias('src', 'source');


With this function you can create a new route following the path from a source route as base, it will use the path.join to join the key route name of the new route or using the third paramater that is optional.


  • {String} newRouteName: key route name of the new route
  • {String} referenceRouteName: key route name of source route
  • {String|undefined} folder: if you don't want to use the newRouteName as the new folder to be joined, then you canse this paramater

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
const route = new PathRoute();
// the routePath of 'src' will be: '../example/src'
route.add('source', '../example').join('src', 'source');
// the routePath of 'x' will be: '../example/paramater'
route.add('source', '../example').join('x', 'source', 'paramater');


It works as the same as .join however it will create a new folder if it not exists


  • {String} newRouteName: key route name of the new route
  • {String} referenceRouteName: key route name of source route
  • {String|undefined} folder: if you don't want to use the newRouteName as the new folder to be joined, then you canse this paramater

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
const route = new PathRoute();
// the routePath of 'src' will be: '../example/src'
// the 'src' directory will be created if not exists
route.add('source', '../example').inject('src', 'source');
// the routePath of 'x' will be: '../example/paramater'
// the 'paramater' directory will be created if not exists
route.add('source', '../example').inject('x', 'source', 'paramater');


With this function you can join a routePath from a route with another path, it will use the path.join. However it is required that the route exists to works, otherwise will return undefined.


  • {String} routeName: key route name
  • {String} filepath: the path to be joined

Return Values

  • {String|undefined}: string with path joined otherwise undefined
const route = new PathRoute();
// it will returns '../example/joined.json'
route.add('source', '../example').plug('source', 'joined.json');


With this function you sanitize the filepath of a route


  • {String} routeName: key route name

Return Values

  • {String|undefined}: string with path sanitized otherwise undefined
const route = new PathRoute();
route.add('source', '../example').sanitize('source');


With this function you get the basename, i.e, last folder/filename of a absolute path


  • {String} filepath: absolute path

Return Values

  • {String}: string with the last folder or filename
const route = new PathRoute();
// it will returns 'last'


With this function you go backward in the path using ../, it requires the key name of the route.


  • {String} routeName: key name of the route
  • {number} level=1: the many times will be used ../

Return Values

  • {String|undefined}: string with path otherwise undefined
const route = new PathRoute();
// it will returns '../test/x'
route.add('example', '../test/x/y/z').backward('example', 2);


Slices the path toward an subfolder.Example, I have a routeName path like this: routeName: health/clients => ../server/data/health/clients; Then, I want to get the path only to 'data'. So I do: instance.towards('../server/data/health/clients', to: 'data') So, I will get: ../server/data


  • {String} filepath: the absolute path
  • {String} to: the folder to be go after
  • {Boolean} strict=false: if it is true, will compare as '==='; if false, will use Regexp with the flgas 'giu'

Return Values

  • {String|undefined}: string with path otherwise undefined
const route = new PathRoute();
// it will returns '../server/data'
route.towards('../server/data/health/clients', to: 'data')


With this function you can get the hierarchy of folders from a absolute path, check over the example


  • {String} routeName: key name of the route

Return Values

  • {Record<string, PathHierarchyContext>}: data of hierarchy
export type PathHierarchyContext = {
    path?: string;
    index: number;
    parent: string;
    next: string;
    current: string;
const route = new PathRoute();
route.add('root', __dirname).hierarchy('root');
    "D:": {
        "path": "D:\\",
        "index": 7,
        "next": "Code",
        "parent": "",
        "current": "D:"
    "Code": {
        "path": "D:\\",
        "index": 6,
        "next": "@vorlefan",
        "parent": "D:",
        "current": "Code"
    "@vorlefan": {
        "path": "D:\\Code",
        "index": 5,
        "next": "@packages",
        "parent": "Code",
        "current": "@vorlefan"
    "@packages": {
        "path": "D:\\Code\\@vorlefan",
        "index": 4,
        "next": "path",
        "parent": "@vorlefan",
        "current": "@packages"
    "path": {
        "path": "D:\\Code\\@vorlefan\\@packages",
        "index": 3,
        "next": "src",
        "parent": "@packages",
        "current": "path"
    "src": {
        "path": "D:\\Code\\@vorlefan\\@packages\\path",
        "index": 2,
        "next": "__tests__",
        "parent": "path",
        "current": "src"
    "__tests__": {
        "path": "D:\\Code\\@vorlefan\\@packages\\path\\src",
        "index": 1,
        "next": "",
        "parent": "src",
        "current": "__tests__"


With this function you get all files from a route path.


  • {String} routeName: key name of the route
  • {String|undefined} extension: filter the files by extension

Return Values

  • {FilesDataContext[]}: data of hierarchy
export type FilesDataContext = {
    name: string;
    filename: string;
    filepath: string;
    extension: string;
    routeName: string;
const route = new PathRoute();
await route.add('root', __dirname).files('root');
// only json files or js files
await route.add('root', __dirname).files('root', 'json|js');


Same as .files however filters the list by sorting from the last modified file


  • {String} routeName: key name of the route
  • {String|undefined} extension: filter the files by extension

Return Values

  • {FilesDataContext[]}: data of hierarchy
export type FilesDataContext = {
    name: string;
    filename: string;
    filepath: string;
    extension: string;
    routeName: string;
const route = new PathRoute();
await route.add('root', __dirname).lastFiles('root');
// only json files or js files
await route.add('root', __dirname).lastFiles('root', 'json|js');


returns all the filepaths from folder and subfolders


  • {String} string: absolute folderpath

Return Values

  • {string[]}: array with the paths
const route = new PathRoute();
await route.allFilepaths(__dirname);


return all directories of the route


  • {String} routeName: the key name of the route

Return Values

  • {FolderDataContext[]}: array with the paths
export type FolderDataContext = {
    name: string;
    path: string;
const route = new PathRoute();
route.add('root', __dirname).folders('root');


join the subfolder into a main folder, in ordered & structured mode. Check over the example


  • {String} routeName: the key name of the route

Return Values

  • {this}: the instance of the class
const route = new PathRoute();
// if you have a folder 'src' and within have for instance folders like data and public:
route.add('root', '../src').foldersJoin('root').routes();
//  you shall have something like this: (route name, route path)
// (root, ../src)
// (root/data, ../src/data)
// (root/public, ../src/public)
// just access using the get


With this function you can add paths to be skipped when operating some methods as getting all filepaths from a folder source or just using the method .hasSkipped


  • {RouteSkipContext[]}: It is a array that each item must be a array that goes like this: [source: string, folder: string]

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
export type RouteSkipContext = [source: string, folder: string];
const route = new PathRoute();
    ['absolute_folderpath/src', 'folder_to_be_ignored'],
    ['../yourprojectfolder', 'node_modules'], // ignores node module folder


With this function you can add one path to be skipped when operating some methods as getting all filepaths from a folder source or just using the method .hasSkipped


  • {String} source: The source folder path
  • {String} folder: the folder within of the source folder to be ignored

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
export type RouteSkipContext = [source: string, folder: string];
const route = new PathRoute();
route.addSkip('../yourprojectfolder', '.git');


With this function you can check if you already have added a path to be skipped or not


  • {String} source: The source folder path
  • {String} folder: the folder within of the source folder to be ignored

Return Values

  • {Boolean}:true if have the path otherwise false
export type RouteSkipContext = [source: string, folder: string];
const route = new PathRoute();
const hasSkip = route.hasSkip('../yourprojectfolder', '.git');


With this function you can delete a path in the skip list.


  • {String} source: The source folder path
  • {String} folder: the folder within of the source folder to be ignored

Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
export type RouteSkipContext = [source: string, folder: string];
const route = new PathRoute();
route.deleteSkip('../yourprojectfolder', '.git');


With this function you can clear all paths to be skipped


Return Values

  • {this}: Returns to the instance
const route = new PathRoute();


With this function you get all paths to be skipped in a array format


Return Values

  • {RouteSkipContext[]}: Returns a array
export type RouteSkipContext = [source: string, folder: string];
const route = new PathRoute();
const skips = route.getSkips();


With this function you check if a folderpath has to be skipped or not


  • {String} fpath: Absolute folderpath to be checked

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true if has be to be skipped, otherwise false
const route = new PathRoute();
const hasSkipped = route.hasSkipped('path_to_checked/src');


With this function you check if a filepath is from the same source as other filepath


  • {String} sourceFilepath: Absolute folder path to be used as the source
  • {String} targetFilepath: Absolute folder path to check over with the source path

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true if is from the same source, otherwise false
const route = new PathRoute();
// true
const isFilepathSameSource = route.isFilepathSameSource(
// false
const isFilepathSameSource = route.isFilepathSameSource(


With this function you check if a route is from the same source as other the route


  • {String} sourceRouteName: key route name to be used as the source
  • {String} targetRouteName: key route name to check over with the source path

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true if is from the same source, otherwise false
const route = new PathRoute();
    .add('source', '../source')
    .add('other_source', '../projects')
    .add('project', '../source/data/project');
// true
const isFilepathSameSource = route.isRouteSameSource('source', 'project');
// false
const isFilepathSameSource = route.isRouteSameSource('other_source', 'project');