

new PathRoute().io();

This class helps you with functions to handle files, be it writing, copying, deleting and so on.


This function reads a file asynchronously and returns the content as an boolean, verifying if the file is accessible or not.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the json file
  • {['R_OK', 'F_OK', 'W_OK']} modes = ['R_OK', 'F_OK']: the constants that will be used to verify the file, check out here (opens in a new tab)

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is okay, otherwise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const isFileValid = await route.io().isFileValid(filepeath);


This function reads a file asynchronously and copy into a new file


  • {String} sourceFilepath: the origin filepath of the file to be cloned
  • {String} targetFilepath: the destination of the new file

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is okay, otherwise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const hasCloned = await route.io().copy(source, destination);


This function reads a file asynchronously and returns it contents as a string. If the file cannot be read, the function returns undefined.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the file to be read
  • {BufferEncoding} encoding = utf-8: the encoding

Return Values

  • {string}: if the reading is success
  • {undefined}: if the reading is a failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const content = await route.io().read(filepath);


This function writes a file asynchronously and returns a boolean. If the file cannot be read, the function returns false.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the file to be read
  • {string} data: data to be saved
  • {BufferEncoding} encoding = utf-8: the encoding
  • {boolean} force = true: forces the file to be written even if it already exists

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is success, othewrise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const content = await route.io().write(filepath, 'teste');


This function removes a file asynchronously and returns a boolean. If the file cannot be read, the function returns false.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the file to be removed

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is success, othewrise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const removed = await route.io().remove(filepath);


This function reads a folder and returns the content as an boolean, verifying if the folder is valid or not.


  • {String} folderpath: the folder path

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is okay, otherwise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const isFolderValid = await route.io().isFolderValid(filepeath);


This function creates a folder and returns the content as an boolean, verifying if the folder has been created or not


  • {String} folderpath: the folder path

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is okay, otherwise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const createFolder = await route.io().createFolder(filepeath);


This function removes a folder and returns a boolean. If the folder cannot be removed, the function returns false.


  • {String} folderpath: the folder path of the file to be removed

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is success, othewrise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const removed = await route.io().removeFolder(filepath);


This function checks if a folder or file exists and returns the content as an boolean, verifying if it is valid or not.


  • {String} filepath: the path

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is okay, otherwise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const exists = await route.io().exists(filepeath);


This function checks if a path is directory or not and returns the content as an boolean, verifying if it is valid or not.


  • {String} folderpath: the path

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is okay, otherwise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
const folderpath = await route.io().isDirectory(filepeath);