

new PathRoute().json();

This class helps you with functions to handle json files, such as to read and to write.


This function reads a JSON file asynchronously and returns the content as an object. If the file cannot be read, the function returns undefined. The return type of the function can be specified using the #.read<T> syntax, where T is the desired type of the returned object. By default, the return type is Record<string, any>, which allows the returned object to have any properties.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the json file

Return Values

  • {undefined}: reading fails
  • {<T = Record<string, any>>}: by default the type is Record<string, any>
const route = new PathRoute();
const content = await route.json().read<Array[]>(filepath);


This function writes a JSON file asynchronously and returns the content as an boolean, indicating if the file has been written with success or not.


  • {String} filepath: the filepath of the json file
  • {any} data: the data to be saved using JSON.stringify
  • {boolean} force = true: forces the file to be written even if it already exists

Return Values

  • {boolean}: true is success, othewrise is failure
const route = new PathRoute();
await route.json().write(filepath, { x: 1, y: 2 });